422 N. Burlington Ave
Hastings, Nebraska
In Person and Livestreamed Worship Services:
Sundays 10 a.m.
St. Mark's Outreach

Fresh Start Bags
The Fresh Start Bag Project provides a bag of necessities for people leaving abusive situations. St. Mark's provides the bags to SASA to give to survivors.

Little Free Pantry
Take what you need. Give what you can.
The St. Mark's Little Free Pantry is located on the NE corner of our building. This is another opportunity to help feed God's sheep. Please drop by the office or place in the pantry food, hygiene products, or paper goods. Our neighbors who need those items can freely take what they need, no questions asked.

B.A.G. Projects
Every month we collect something different that either the schools or another non-profit in our community needs. Items are collected in the back of the church.

The Bridge
Christmas Gifts
Every year we hang tags on a tree in the common room for folks to go out and buy gifts for the women and children who live at The Bridge in Hastings

Open Table
Open Table is a ministry in the city of Hastings in partnership with Catholic Social Services and numerous churches and other organizations to provide sack lunches for anyone who may be hungry.

PFLAG Game Night
PFLAG hosts a monthly game night on the 4th Friday of the month in the undercroft of St. Mark's.

Christmas Tree Project
We provide a live Christmas tree, lights, and all of the decorations to recent migrant families in Hastings and the surrounding area.